Push to PWA?

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  • Hello, I was wondering if anyone has, or if this plugin does off the bat works with PWAs?

    My Site is a PWA now :), and I am looking for a way to push notifs to users when they are not on the app at the time. I know it can be done with PWAs and Service workers, and wondering if this has this capability, and if anyone has done it yet?

  • No, our plugin work not as a pwa.

    And only for active user.

    Okay thanks. So the first question still applies, has anyone made a SW for the Push?

    Also, is there any plans to do so for your plugin? IDK why Woltlab is so anti mobile. Wordpress, Xenforo, all of them have this default or with plugins and its a huge need for my users.

    If none have done, I will see what I can do about getting a SW setup for your plugin and provide here, because its a must for me.

  • No, our plugin work not as a pwa.

    And only for active user.

    Are you using the pushs as an Event 'Push' I seen in the comments that you maybe are?

    I that is true, then the SW is already done from google lol.

    self.addEventListener ('push', function (event) {
      if (event && event.data) {
        const data = event.data.json ();
        event.waitUntil (self.registration.showNotification (data.title, {
          body: data.body,
          icon: data.icon || zero

    Will make it so a browser does not need to open for the push event to function, with a PWA. May need some modifys to fit, I am moving my site to a VPS, where I can install your plugin and will test and figure it out.

  • Cyperghost 21. Mai 2019 um 07:41

    Hat das Thema geschlossen.
  • Cyperghost 15. August 2019 um 22:08

    Hat das Thema geschlossen.